I guess I dont really know what to write on this blog... I have had a good time in this class.. I feel like I have really gotten to know my classmates better from their blogs, presentations, and just having a class together 3 days a week... I have learned MANY things in this class, as I listed in my paper.. and hopefully the final test will go good.. annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, I guess that is it :)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I have never posted a blog about this before because it is an ongoing process.. and still going on today..
I am a freshman, therefore I am stuck living in the dorms.. I have a neighbor who is a pretty nice girl, but man oh man does she have boyfriend drama! He doesn't live here.. so they are constantly on the phone bickering at eacher. I think the count is up to about 5 times that they have broken up/got back together just this semester...
It is kinda funny.. because whenever we hear the sobs, me and my roomate (who has been my best friend since we were little) grab a big cup.. hop on our lofts.. and listen to the drama unfolding on the other side of the wall.
Trust me, I feel bad for her, but it's hard not to laugh a little bit....
I am a freshman, therefore I am stuck living in the dorms.. I have a neighbor who is a pretty nice girl, but man oh man does she have boyfriend drama! He doesn't live here.. so they are constantly on the phone bickering at eacher. I think the count is up to about 5 times that they have broken up/got back together just this semester...
It is kinda funny.. because whenever we hear the sobs, me and my roomate (who has been my best friend since we were little) grab a big cup.. hop on our lofts.. and listen to the drama unfolding on the other side of the wall.
Trust me, I feel bad for her, but it's hard not to laugh a little bit....
Worst Day
I dont mean to sound all ooshy gooshy pathetic but my worst day ever would probably be the day my boyfriend of three years broke up with me in a text message. I was in Calgary, Alberta at Warped Tour and we had gotten into a big fight before I left.. but I thought everything was going to be fine obviously, considering we had been together for sooo long. He is younger than me and all I can conclude from this is that he was scared I was leaving for college, he was scared to be left in the dust and he wanted me to go branch out and do my own thing. I love him for that and I will always care about him.. I think things will be different when I go back home this summer.. but I guess only time will tell..
Monday, April 26, 2010
Most of the class has presented their paper thus far, and I have been nothing short of impressed. I think everyone has done a good job preparing for what was asked of them. I have to admit, it is really hard to get in front of a group of people, even if these people have been my classmates for an entire semester. I choked through and only stuttered a few times, but I got my paper read. A few of the presentations that stand out in my head that I really like were Lena's, because I thought it was a really cool idea how she used our class and the people in it to make a fairytale. I liked the South Park one today too, it was pretty funny.. even Professor has a smile on his face from laughing. Wednesday will be the last day to present the papers, and im waiting to see how the rest of them go, and excited to hear Garrett's song....
My Paper
What I Know Now, That I Didn't Know Then
Literature has not only made me a more interesting person, it has taught me to dig deeper and appreciate the work of many authors, poets, and artists. Our class has truely been a highlight in my busy semester, whether it is Professor Sexson's outlook on life, Garrett and Tim's out of the ordinary viewpoints, or even the interesting discussions we have as a class. It is true; there are many things I know now that I didn't know then.
Poetry is something I have never really took the time to enjoy. Some of the poetry we have read in this class, such as Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening, Batter My Heart, and The Second Coming, have made me fascinated with the aspect of poetry and how beautiful it can be. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening is a very simply poem, and I truly believe that because of its' simplicity, that is what makes it so special. Just because there is nothing jumping out to grab your attention, it makes you think of a deeper meaning and analyze what the author is trying to say. Sonnets are another part of poetry that can be used as a form or therapy. Coming into the poetry and sonnet section of our class, I was only familiar of Shakespeare's famous sonnet, Sonnet 18. After learning about quatrains, couplets, and the differences in the meters of poetry, I have only begun to understand how much work is really put into a great sonnet. Sonnet therapy is self prescribed. It is the practice of writing sonnets to let your feelings out in an artistic form. Maybe it will take ten sonnets to make a difference in your life, but imagine how great a person may feel after they write twenty or thirty sonnets. Another important concept I have learned in this class is that poetry can exsist anywhere. If you look hard enough, the simplest everyday items can form a poem. It is really fun to see what kinda of poems you can find. After we did the assignment on found poetry, I still catch myself making poems out of simple items such as my lotion bottle and even signs around campus. When a person can express themselves in a way that is meaning to them, it opens a new door. In the words of Professor Sexson, "how do I know what I think, until I see what I say?" Through writing and expressing myself on paper and blogs, I have learned that it is much easier to know how I feel when I write it out and analyze the facts.
On a much deeper note, our class has talked over and over again about the tragic sense of life. When a human begins to learnt hat all life is in some ways continual pain, it may almost appear that there is no purpose or life meaning. A person will only feel this way if they allow it. By setting reachable goals and being thankful for what we have in our lives, it is easy to go to bed every night and feel as if there is a purpose for each of us in this world. In a world of tragedy, misfortune, and heartbreak, it is important to seize the day and make our lives extraordinary.
Another interesting topic we have covered in Literature class is the topic of there being no boring books, just boring people. In my opinion, I would have to disagree. If there is a book that does not interesting the reader, why would the reader take time out of their day to read it? It may make them a better rounded person but just because they read it, does not mean that they will absorb the message. For the people that love to read about anything and everything, that is great. I think that saying there are no boring books just boring people is a personal statement, and it is going to affect people in different ways, no matter how you interpret the statement.
The most important idea I have learned in this class is the fac that inside every great story, lays a million other great stories. We explored this in Cinderella, Hamlet, Demon Lover, and many other great pieces of literature. Before this class, I never understood that while reading a book, watching television, or even listening to a song on the radio, there is a story being told that has been told a thousand times. Everything is a repeat of itself, even if you have to dig down deep to find the story unfolding within. By understanding the outlook, advice can be easily given and recieved. When I listen to my friends and even the people around me, I can easily see stories unfolding that we have discussed in this class. It is hard to know the outcome of the story when the main character does not have the slightest idea what is to come in the near future. I feel it is important to give some advice, but let everyone live and learn, therefore, they will be able to have their own version of retellings.
Throughout the course of the semester, it is safe to say that this Literature class has opened many doors for me. I will now look for poetry in the most obvious places, better comprehend the meaning behind poems, and most importantly, understand that new phases in my life have more than likely already been retold in some way, shape, or form. It has been and education experience being in Professor Sexson's Literature class, and I can honestly say I know much more now, than I did coming into this class.
Literature has not only made me a more interesting person, it has taught me to dig deeper and appreciate the work of many authors, poets, and artists. Our class has truely been a highlight in my busy semester, whether it is Professor Sexson's outlook on life, Garrett and Tim's out of the ordinary viewpoints, or even the interesting discussions we have as a class. It is true; there are many things I know now that I didn't know then.
Poetry is something I have never really took the time to enjoy. Some of the poetry we have read in this class, such as Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening, Batter My Heart, and The Second Coming, have made me fascinated with the aspect of poetry and how beautiful it can be. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening is a very simply poem, and I truly believe that because of its' simplicity, that is what makes it so special. Just because there is nothing jumping out to grab your attention, it makes you think of a deeper meaning and analyze what the author is trying to say. Sonnets are another part of poetry that can be used as a form or therapy. Coming into the poetry and sonnet section of our class, I was only familiar of Shakespeare's famous sonnet, Sonnet 18. After learning about quatrains, couplets, and the differences in the meters of poetry, I have only begun to understand how much work is really put into a great sonnet. Sonnet therapy is self prescribed. It is the practice of writing sonnets to let your feelings out in an artistic form. Maybe it will take ten sonnets to make a difference in your life, but imagine how great a person may feel after they write twenty or thirty sonnets. Another important concept I have learned in this class is that poetry can exsist anywhere. If you look hard enough, the simplest everyday items can form a poem. It is really fun to see what kinda of poems you can find. After we did the assignment on found poetry, I still catch myself making poems out of simple items such as my lotion bottle and even signs around campus. When a person can express themselves in a way that is meaning to them, it opens a new door. In the words of Professor Sexson, "how do I know what I think, until I see what I say?" Through writing and expressing myself on paper and blogs, I have learned that it is much easier to know how I feel when I write it out and analyze the facts.
On a much deeper note, our class has talked over and over again about the tragic sense of life. When a human begins to learnt hat all life is in some ways continual pain, it may almost appear that there is no purpose or life meaning. A person will only feel this way if they allow it. By setting reachable goals and being thankful for what we have in our lives, it is easy to go to bed every night and feel as if there is a purpose for each of us in this world. In a world of tragedy, misfortune, and heartbreak, it is important to seize the day and make our lives extraordinary.
Another interesting topic we have covered in Literature class is the topic of there being no boring books, just boring people. In my opinion, I would have to disagree. If there is a book that does not interesting the reader, why would the reader take time out of their day to read it? It may make them a better rounded person but just because they read it, does not mean that they will absorb the message. For the people that love to read about anything and everything, that is great. I think that saying there are no boring books just boring people is a personal statement, and it is going to affect people in different ways, no matter how you interpret the statement.
The most important idea I have learned in this class is the fac that inside every great story, lays a million other great stories. We explored this in Cinderella, Hamlet, Demon Lover, and many other great pieces of literature. Before this class, I never understood that while reading a book, watching television, or even listening to a song on the radio, there is a story being told that has been told a thousand times. Everything is a repeat of itself, even if you have to dig down deep to find the story unfolding within. By understanding the outlook, advice can be easily given and recieved. When I listen to my friends and even the people around me, I can easily see stories unfolding that we have discussed in this class. It is hard to know the outcome of the story when the main character does not have the slightest idea what is to come in the near future. I feel it is important to give some advice, but let everyone live and learn, therefore, they will be able to have their own version of retellings.
Throughout the course of the semester, it is safe to say that this Literature class has opened many doors for me. I will now look for poetry in the most obvious places, better comprehend the meaning behind poems, and most importantly, understand that new phases in my life have more than likely already been retold in some way, shape, or form. It has been and education experience being in Professor Sexson's Literature class, and I can honestly say I know much more now, than I did coming into this class.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Group 5 & 6
Group 5
Okay so this was obviously my group and I think everything went well.. There was some "using of the notecard" bashing but memorizing what I wanted to say wasn't exactly on my list of things to do.. but thats okay, I liked our presentation :)
Group 6
Awesome skit.. very drama filled! I am really glad that this group did the retelling of Antigone because this was one of my favorite stories. Professor was right, in certain situations, it is easy to laugh at horribly awful things.. like death, suicide, etc.. when it is used like it was in the skit. Bringing comedy into almost anything can lighten the mood.
Okay so this was obviously my group and I think everything went well.. There was some "using of the notecard" bashing but memorizing what I wanted to say wasn't exactly on my list of things to do.. but thats okay, I liked our presentation :)
Group 6
Awesome skit.. very drama filled! I am really glad that this group did the retelling of Antigone because this was one of my favorite stories. Professor was right, in certain situations, it is easy to laugh at horribly awful things.. like death, suicide, etc.. when it is used like it was in the skit. Bringing comedy into almost anything can lighten the mood.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Dear Fire Alarm Puller: I HATE YOU...
Okay.. It is officially 5:10 AM right now.. you may wonder what exactly I am doing up..
WELL some wise guy decided it would be sweet to pull a 4:20 fire alarm at South Hedges.. this is the 3rd fire alarm we have had in the last 20 days.. and they keep getting later and later. The first one was around 1 AM, I was like.. oh this sucks but whatever.. the 2nd one was at 2:30 AM, by this one... I was not thrilled, and this one.. well I dont even need to say. OH, and did I fail to mention I live on the 11th floor?????? 11 flights of stairs really isn't that bad but when I have to do it at all hours of the morning it pisses me off. So, me and my roomate decided we might as well stay up since we have to be up in a very small amount of hours and we didn't go to bed until 3:30.. Professor, when you asked us to post a blog about a really bad day.. well it is only 5 hours into a April 20, and I am FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It will be a very long, long day for this girl...
WELL some wise guy decided it would be sweet to pull a 4:20 fire alarm at South Hedges.. this is the 3rd fire alarm we have had in the last 20 days.. and they keep getting later and later. The first one was around 1 AM, I was like.. oh this sucks but whatever.. the 2nd one was at 2:30 AM, by this one... I was not thrilled, and this one.. well I dont even need to say. OH, and did I fail to mention I live on the 11th floor?????? 11 flights of stairs really isn't that bad but when I have to do it at all hours of the morning it pisses me off. So, me and my roomate decided we might as well stay up since we have to be up in a very small amount of hours and we didn't go to bed until 3:30.. Professor, when you asked us to post a blog about a really bad day.. well it is only 5 hours into a April 20, and I am FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It will be a very long, long day for this girl...
Groups 1 & 4
Group 1
Man oh man.. people got CRAAAAAZZZZZY with this debate... I think the final argument was "Tim vs. World"... You brought up some good points but honestly, I really think that there can be boring books.. (no offence) and not boring people. Devin was saying that just because people don't like something doesnt mean they are boring. I couldn't agree more. If i dont like something, I am not going to READ a book about it.. Sometimes it can be an educational experience but because you read it doesnt mean that it will sink in.
Group 4
Loved your presentation. I thought maybe it would be a littler crazier considering Garrett was in this group but it turned out good. Heather being Prince was my favorite, soooo funny. And the kissing Garrett's hand.. did Anna get that on camera? Hehe..
Our group has to go Wednesday, I hate talking in front of people but im sure it will go good! :) It is so crazy to think that this class is winding down already.. I have so many blogs I need to post that I have just kept in a notebook.. So if your "live feed" list of blogs goes crazy with my stuff sometime this week it is because I am posting all my old blogs!
See everyone Wednesday! :)
Man oh man.. people got CRAAAAAZZZZZY with this debate... I think the final argument was "Tim vs. World"... You brought up some good points but honestly, I really think that there can be boring books.. (no offence) and not boring people. Devin was saying that just because people don't like something doesnt mean they are boring. I couldn't agree more. If i dont like something, I am not going to READ a book about it.. Sometimes it can be an educational experience but because you read it doesnt mean that it will sink in.
Group 4
Loved your presentation. I thought maybe it would be a littler crazier considering Garrett was in this group but it turned out good. Heather being Prince was my favorite, soooo funny. And the kissing Garrett's hand.. did Anna get that on camera? Hehe..
Our group has to go Wednesday, I hate talking in front of people but im sure it will go good! :) It is so crazy to think that this class is winding down already.. I have so many blogs I need to post that I have just kept in a notebook.. So if your "live feed" list of blogs goes crazy with my stuff sometime this week it is because I am posting all my old blogs!
See everyone Wednesday! :)
Groups 2 & 3
Group 2
- I like how they talked about the crossover.. I have never actually seen avatar but your group made it seem like a pretty sweet movie, considering I loved pocahontas.. also good choice on picking Garrett for the pyramid game..
Group 3
-Your play cracked me up.. very well done! The "wise old man"/"dad" was my favorite part.. Spencer, the glasses definately made your character..
- I like how they talked about the crossover.. I have never actually seen avatar but your group made it seem like a pretty sweet movie, considering I loved pocahontas.. also good choice on picking Garrett for the pyramid game..
Group 3
-Your play cracked me up.. very well done! The "wise old man"/"dad" was my favorite part.. Spencer, the glasses definately made your character..
Final Thesis
Okay so I have finally decided on my final thesis.. But first I want to explain that I decided to go with the generic topic.. There are a few topics in the Brothers K that I would LIKE to write about but I think the generic topic would be better because I feel like I would definately have more to say.. so thats whats I am doing.
What I know now that I didn't know then..
Throughout the Lit 110 class, I have learned many important things such as: the fact that every story is a retelling, the tragic sense of life, there are no boring books just boring people, and that poetry/sonnets/sonnet therapy is an important aspect of life..
I know that isn't exactly a thesis but I will make it clearer as I go...
What I know now that I didn't know then..
Throughout the Lit 110 class, I have learned many important things such as: the fact that every story is a retelling, the tragic sense of life, there are no boring books just boring people, and that poetry/sonnets/sonnet therapy is an important aspect of life..
I know that isn't exactly a thesis but I will make it clearer as I go...
Thursday, April 15, 2010
I know we were supposed to post our thesis sooner but I just CANNOT seem to make up my mind on what I want to write about...
So, I guess i'll just put a few of my ideas until I really make up my mind completely :)
-roles of suffering
-ironically how the first chapter is titled "a nice little family".. they actually aren't that nice at all
-the generic thesis about what I know now that I didn't know before this class..
There you have it professor, those are my three ideas, I will make up my mind very soon!
-------------DONT FORGET ---------------
Casper, Wyoming, August 21st or 23rd, 2017 :)
So, I guess i'll just put a few of my ideas until I really make up my mind completely :)
-roles of suffering
-ironically how the first chapter is titled "a nice little family".. they actually aren't that nice at all
-the generic thesis about what I know now that I didn't know before this class..
There you have it professor, those are my three ideas, I will make up my mind very soon!
-------------DONT FORGET ---------------
Casper, Wyoming, August 21st or 23rd, 2017 :)
Friday, March 26, 2010
Sparknotes vs. The REAL Deal
reading sparknotes instead of actually reading The Brothers Karamazov is like.....
Tiger Woods being a professional dancer
Brushing your teeth with toilet water
Washing your hair with mud
Sleeping with the lights on
I think these make sense?
Tiger Woods being a professional dancer
Brushing your teeth with toilet water
Washing your hair with mud
Sleeping with the lights on
I think these make sense?
Monday, March 22, 2010
I know I was supposed to post this last Friday, however; I did not have internet to post it so here is my sonnet :) ... (and yes it is corney)
I will always cherish your every word
You have changed my life in more than one way
Love lives on forever haven't you heard?
You live in my memory day by day
You taught me how to appreciate life
I love you so much it is plain to see
You could break me, cut me like a knife
I'm happy, I'm free, you help me be me
Silently I sit here, waiting alone
Your broken promise now leaves me shattered
Your heart has turned to a cold hard stone
I was your one and only who mattered
Even though we are in a tough spot now
Your place in my heart is still there, I vow
I will always cherish your every word
You have changed my life in more than one way
Love lives on forever haven't you heard?
You live in my memory day by day
You taught me how to appreciate life
I love you so much it is plain to see
You could break me, cut me like a knife
I'm happy, I'm free, you help me be me
Silently I sit here, waiting alone
Your broken promise now leaves me shattered
Your heart has turned to a cold hard stone
I was your one and only who mattered
Even though we are in a tough spot now
Your place in my heart is still there, I vow
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sonnet (work in progress)
All I have so far is this...
I will always cherish every word
You have changed my life in more than one way
Love lives on forever haven't you heard?
I overcome obstacles day by day
I will always cherish every word
You have changed my life in more than one way
Love lives on forever haven't you heard?
I overcome obstacles day by day
Baby Lotion
Being the creative person I am (sarcasm) I made a poem off of the bottle of my lotion.. which smells wonderful might I add..
Vanilla Oatmeal
gentle emollients
vanilla essence
non greasy
fast absorbing
allergen tested
clinically proven
So i'm kind of confused on whether or not we are suppose to MIX the words up but I guess this is what i'm working with..
Vanilla Oatmeal
gentle emollients
vanilla essence
non greasy
fast absorbing
allergen tested
clinically proven
So i'm kind of confused on whether or not we are suppose to MIX the words up but I guess this is what i'm working with..
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
THE Sonnet
So I looking up "The Sonnet" and I found a funny little website called Writing a Sonnet for Dummies.. hahaha.
I completely understand that ....
1. It must consist of 14 lines
2. It must be in what is called a "iambic pentameter"
3. It must be written in a various rhyming scheme
You split it up into different like for example: ABABCDCD .. and every A rhymes with the other A's, and each B rhymes with the other B's.
And more importantly, a sonnet has to have some form of an argument.
So I guess these are my guidelines I will follow.. I have NO IDEA what I will write my sonnet about or even who it will be sent but I guess it could be kind of fun :)
I completely understand that ....
1. It must consist of 14 lines
2. It must be in what is called a "iambic pentameter"
3. It must be written in a various rhyming scheme
You split it up into different like for example: ABABCDCD .. and every A rhymes with the other A's, and each B rhymes with the other B's.
And more importantly, a sonnet has to have some form of an argument.
So I guess these are my guidelines I will follow.. I have NO IDEA what I will write my sonnet about or even who it will be sent but I guess it could be kind of fun :)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Venus of Willendorf

Venus of Willendorf:
Also known as Woman of Willendorf, is a 11.5 cm high statuette of a female figure. It is estimated to be made between 24,000 and 22,000 B.C. It was discovered in 1908 by archaeologist Josef Szombathy at a paleolithic site near Willendorf, a village in Austria near the city of Krems. It is carved from an oolitic limstone and tinted with red ochre. Since this figures discovery and naming, several similiar statuettes and other forms of the art have been discovered. They are collectively referred to as Venus figuirines.
I thought it was funny when Sexson used the term "smother mother" and "death mother".. "from the womb to the tomb".. In actuality a mother is nuturing, kind, and loving.. but what mother doesnt "smother" her kids at some point in life? Kind of ironic I suppose...
Friday, February 26, 2010
So I know this is kind of an older assignment but I am sitting in the SUB waiting for a doctors appointment and figured to take full advantage of this situation :)
There is kinda of alot going on.. but everyone sitting where I am is either eating, doing homework, or complaining.
Two girls are studying something, one of them must be a tutor.. I see her around campus and I would have never guessed that she would be good at something academic wise, no affense. I can't, however, figure out what they are studying... hmm.
This kid that just came and sat in front of me has a shirt on that says "Most sports only require one ball" .. I wish I knew what the front of it is said because it would make more sense..
Also, this guy that is facing me.. I think he is catching on to the fact that I am sitting here typing about what everyone else is doing. Do you think he thinks I am typing about him?
There are people complaining about politcal science, I could not agree more.. ugh!
I have to go to the doc, So I will have to miss class today but I know somebody will post notes, thanks :)
There is kinda of alot going on.. but everyone sitting where I am is either eating, doing homework, or complaining.
Two girls are studying something, one of them must be a tutor.. I see her around campus and I would have never guessed that she would be good at something academic wise, no affense. I can't, however, figure out what they are studying... hmm.
This kid that just came and sat in front of me has a shirt on that says "Most sports only require one ball" .. I wish I knew what the front of it is said because it would make more sense..
Also, this guy that is facing me.. I think he is catching on to the fact that I am sitting here typing about what everyone else is doing. Do you think he thinks I am typing about him?
There are people complaining about politcal science, I could not agree more.. ugh!
I have to go to the doc, So I will have to miss class today but I know somebody will post notes, thanks :)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Class Notes 2/10
1. Brother Karamazov
*Should have finished part 1 of Brothers K
-DONT watch Brother K 1960's movie, its "awful"
*Struggling from darkness of soul to lightness of love
-This brothers earliest memory is of "an open window, slanting rays of the setting sun, his mother shrieking and sobbing"
2. Garden of Eden story
*"The Fall" -- disobedience
-Does the crime always fit the punishment?
3. Psyche & Eros
*Psyche "fell in love with love"
-Eros=Love <3
*Venus gives Psyche impossible tasks because of jealousy for her beauty
*the last and final task is to travel to the underworld to retrieve a box of cosmetics for Venus
-Venus said "DONT look in the box"
-She obviously looks in the box and falls helplessly to the ground
*Eros becomes worried and flies down to save Psyche and revives her with a kiss.. they fall in love all over again and have a baby
4. Fall of Icarus
*Blog about the painting
-"He turned his thinking toward unknown arts"
-"I warn you Icarus, fly the middle course" .. his father's last words to Icarus
*There is NO MORAL to the story
*If there is a moral, it is the story, not some detachable experience
5. Lot's Wife
*Don't look back when you are not supposed too
*Vonnegut -- "So it goes"
*"Dont look back" == IRONY
6. W.H. Auden
*"Fears of the world are a constant quanity"
*Three great tradgedies
-1.King Lear
-2.Something from the Bible (sorry didn't catch exactly what he said)
-3.Brothers Karamazov
*Investigation into the world of suffering
hopefully these make some form of sense :)
*Should have finished part 1 of Brothers K
-DONT watch Brother K 1960's movie, its "awful"
*Struggling from darkness of soul to lightness of love
-This brothers earliest memory is of "an open window, slanting rays of the setting sun, his mother shrieking and sobbing"
2. Garden of Eden story
*"The Fall" -- disobedience
-Does the crime always fit the punishment?
3. Psyche & Eros
*Psyche "fell in love with love"
-Eros=Love <3
*Venus gives Psyche impossible tasks because of jealousy for her beauty
*the last and final task is to travel to the underworld to retrieve a box of cosmetics for Venus
-Venus said "DONT look in the box"
-She obviously looks in the box and falls helplessly to the ground
*Eros becomes worried and flies down to save Psyche and revives her with a kiss.. they fall in love all over again and have a baby
4. Fall of Icarus
*Blog about the painting
-"He turned his thinking toward unknown arts"
-"I warn you Icarus, fly the middle course" .. his father's last words to Icarus
*There is NO MORAL to the story
*If there is a moral, it is the story, not some detachable experience
5. Lot's Wife
*Don't look back when you are not supposed too
*Vonnegut -- "So it goes"
*"Dont look back" == IRONY
6. W.H. Auden
*"Fears of the world are a constant quanity"
*Three great tradgedies
-1.King Lear
-2.Something from the Bible (sorry didn't catch exactly what he said)
-3.Brothers Karamazov
*Investigation into the world of suffering
hopefully these make some form of sense :)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Fall of Icarus
Why is there a constant need for more? If Icarus had simply listened to his father, there would not be a "fall". The way Icarus is potrayed to me is that of a typical human today. Do what you are told, when it is convinient for you. Icarus finds himself flying higher and higher because he is simply caught up in the brilliance of his wings. When people are caught up in anything, no boundaries are really ever set, go go go.
I feel like the painting focuses mainly on the background scenery rather than Icarus himself. The painting is beautiful and captures many different things. The way I look at it almost makes it to appear like Icarus was added after a beautiful painting was already made up. The background images take away from the fact that someone is drowning in the middle of the water. Too bad for Icarus I suppose....
I feel like the painting focuses mainly on the background scenery rather than Icarus himself. The painting is beautiful and captures many different things. The way I look at it almost makes it to appear like Icarus was added after a beautiful painting was already made up. The background images take away from the fact that someone is drowning in the middle of the water. Too bad for Icarus I suppose....
Friday, February 5, 2010
I keep having a reoccuring dream.. nothing of the same sort like my previous Lady Gaga dream (thank god), but I am trying to tie it together. It has been the same dream for the last three nights..
The scene takes place in what appears to be a remake of my old auditorium from high school. My 5th grade teacher is there and I have absolutely no idea why. There is a speaker and asks for volunteers and me and one of my best friends decide its a good idea to volunteer ourselves. We get on the stage and music starts playing and we are supposed to dance while thinking about a our favorite lesson plan. This is where I get confused.. lesson plans? What? Hahaha, more details come every night.. maybe tonight will give me enough information to piece it together a little bit more!
The scene takes place in what appears to be a remake of my old auditorium from high school. My 5th grade teacher is there and I have absolutely no idea why. There is a speaker and asks for volunteers and me and one of my best friends decide its a good idea to volunteer ourselves. We get on the stage and music starts playing and we are supposed to dance while thinking about a our favorite lesson plan. This is where I get confused.. lesson plans? What? Hahaha, more details come every night.. maybe tonight will give me enough information to piece it together a little bit more!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Throughout the Day
I'll be straight with you.. I didnt wake up at up 6AM.. I was much too tired and really dont feel that great...
8:12- wake up hear roomie snoring, loudly.
8:20-decide to get up ten minutes before the alarm. walk to bathroom and put in my contacts. i left them by the windowsill and if felt like i was putting ice in my eyeballs. took shower. dryed off. sweats today, i dont care i dont feel good. let hair dry on its own, man i really look like a bum. makeup, lotion, deodorant, perfume (which smells oh so amazing), ugg boots.
9:15-waiting for elevator, saw a really freaky wierdo kid brushing his teeth in the drinking found, barf. told him he was gross as i was walking onto the elevator, not sure if he heard or not.
9:16-elevator is making a sketchy noise, hope i dont freefall.
9:17-meet chelsea in lobby, walk to education psychology.
9:25-sit in class and wait for it to start. loud noises, mainly because it is a class of fourty girls.
9:30-class starts and some lady starts talking about studying abroad. sounds interesting, but wouldnt it be more fun to just go on vacation? her pants dont match her shirt, its bugging me. teacher finally starts talking, she is so smart. i really like her. i wonder if i will be as good as a teacher as she is.. hmm.
10:15-class is starting to drag, im dreaming of that bagel i am going to have for breakfast.. on second thought maybe i want an omelet.
10:42-thank god this if finally over now i can go eat and take a nap.
11:00-cafeteria is pretty peaceful, decided to go with an omelet. couldnt find the ketchup, grrr. i hate when i cant find ketchup.
11:20-ride up the sketchy elevator, wondering if i am ever going to get a refund check, man that'd be great. kid in elevator stinks.
11:30-lay on futon debating nap now/now later? decided to go with nap later. wrote a composition for music class, thought about how embarissing it is to carry that damn keyboard around campus. after i wrote the piece i realized i didn't do it in harmonic tone, great. have to redo a few parts.
12:00-texting my friend dage, she cracks me up. she is bored also back in our hometown. the neighbors are going off about something that happened in another class. i try to eavesdrop but it gets boring. the fan in our room cuts out the noise too, which comes in quite useful at night.
12:30-playing on the interent, nothing particularly fun. maybe i should play solitaire, or better yet.. start my homework so im not up all night.. but wheres the fun in that?
1:00-won seven games of solitaire in a row, sweet.
1:10-found out punxsutawney phil saw his shadow, what a jerk. im sick of winter.
1:15-back on the futon, laying waiting for math at 2.
1:20-decide i feel like crap, shouldn't have ate the omelet. i knew the bagel would have been better.
1:45-ride down the sketchy elevator once again and walk to math. i got to 200 counting my steps then got sidetracked people watching. i always watch people. they are so interesting. i think one girl was on the phone, pretending to be cool im not exactly sure. hahaha.
2:00-math starts, yippy.
2:10-notice gray hairs in professors beard, hmm i wonder how old he is?
2:30- okay im bored, lets go. maybe i should doodle... dum dum dum. everyone else looks bored too. there is atleast 4 people texting. one kid gets up to leave and the professor says "hey where ya going" AWKWARD.
3:00-walk back from math with friend kelsey. we are talking about how we are going to miss prom this year, sad. watch the ducks chase eachother.. i swear to god they have multiplied?
3:30-found myself on the futon once again, awesome.
4:00-roomie shows and is also thankful for her freedom for the day. i start to wonder if other kids feel as relieved as we do when we are done, god it is great.
5:00-i have been watching E! and Ellen for the past hour.. switching back and forth. serena williams broke some glass plates with a tennis serve, sawwweeeet. realized it is 5 and i have not done anthing productive, guess that means its naptime. on E! they talked about bed and worst dressed at the grammys. joan rivers has an odd shaped nose.
5:30-decided to stay up for 30 more mins because i wanted to see taylor swifts house on E!
6:54-woke up from a lovely nap. i was so cold at one point i thought my toes were going to fall off. got 4 blankets, sweats and a sweatshirt... slept like a baby. woke up because stupid neighbors. ugh. oh well.
7:00-went to eat in cafeteria.. pasta was weird looking. decided to try it anyways.
7:30-back in the room realizing it is now crunch time as i have wasted the entire day. it looks calm outside.. but it sure is cold. longing for summer heat, shorts, and flipflops. get a kick out of my roomies webcam, hahaha.
8:00-decided "hey, maybe i should look at everyones blogs". watched people walk around outside, we have a sweet view from the 11th floor. had a gathering of the minds in the hallway (sarcasm).
8:28-finished this, going to start some homework, lucky me.
8:12- wake up hear roomie snoring, loudly.
8:20-decide to get up ten minutes before the alarm. walk to bathroom and put in my contacts. i left them by the windowsill and if felt like i was putting ice in my eyeballs. took shower. dryed off. sweats today, i dont care i dont feel good. let hair dry on its own, man i really look like a bum. makeup, lotion, deodorant, perfume (which smells oh so amazing), ugg boots.
9:15-waiting for elevator, saw a really freaky wierdo kid brushing his teeth in the drinking found, barf. told him he was gross as i was walking onto the elevator, not sure if he heard or not.
9:16-elevator is making a sketchy noise, hope i dont freefall.
9:17-meet chelsea in lobby, walk to education psychology.
9:25-sit in class and wait for it to start. loud noises, mainly because it is a class of fourty girls.
9:30-class starts and some lady starts talking about studying abroad. sounds interesting, but wouldnt it be more fun to just go on vacation? her pants dont match her shirt, its bugging me. teacher finally starts talking, she is so smart. i really like her. i wonder if i will be as good as a teacher as she is.. hmm.
10:15-class is starting to drag, im dreaming of that bagel i am going to have for breakfast.. on second thought maybe i want an omelet.
10:42-thank god this if finally over now i can go eat and take a nap.
11:00-cafeteria is pretty peaceful, decided to go with an omelet. couldnt find the ketchup, grrr. i hate when i cant find ketchup.
11:20-ride up the sketchy elevator, wondering if i am ever going to get a refund check, man that'd be great. kid in elevator stinks.
11:30-lay on futon debating nap now/now later? decided to go with nap later. wrote a composition for music class, thought about how embarissing it is to carry that damn keyboard around campus. after i wrote the piece i realized i didn't do it in harmonic tone, great. have to redo a few parts.
12:00-texting my friend dage, she cracks me up. she is bored also back in our hometown. the neighbors are going off about something that happened in another class. i try to eavesdrop but it gets boring. the fan in our room cuts out the noise too, which comes in quite useful at night.
12:30-playing on the interent, nothing particularly fun. maybe i should play solitaire, or better yet.. start my homework so im not up all night.. but wheres the fun in that?
1:00-won seven games of solitaire in a row, sweet.
1:10-found out punxsutawney phil saw his shadow, what a jerk. im sick of winter.
1:15-back on the futon, laying waiting for math at 2.
1:20-decide i feel like crap, shouldn't have ate the omelet. i knew the bagel would have been better.
1:45-ride down the sketchy elevator once again and walk to math. i got to 200 counting my steps then got sidetracked people watching. i always watch people. they are so interesting. i think one girl was on the phone, pretending to be cool im not exactly sure. hahaha.
2:00-math starts, yippy.
2:10-notice gray hairs in professors beard, hmm i wonder how old he is?
2:30- okay im bored, lets go. maybe i should doodle... dum dum dum. everyone else looks bored too. there is atleast 4 people texting. one kid gets up to leave and the professor says "hey where ya going" AWKWARD.
3:00-walk back from math with friend kelsey. we are talking about how we are going to miss prom this year, sad. watch the ducks chase eachother.. i swear to god they have multiplied?
3:30-found myself on the futon once again, awesome.
4:00-roomie shows and is also thankful for her freedom for the day. i start to wonder if other kids feel as relieved as we do when we are done, god it is great.
5:00-i have been watching E! and Ellen for the past hour.. switching back and forth. serena williams broke some glass plates with a tennis serve, sawwweeeet. realized it is 5 and i have not done anthing productive, guess that means its naptime. on E! they talked about bed and worst dressed at the grammys. joan rivers has an odd shaped nose.
5:30-decided to stay up for 30 more mins because i wanted to see taylor swifts house on E!
6:54-woke up from a lovely nap. i was so cold at one point i thought my toes were going to fall off. got 4 blankets, sweats and a sweatshirt... slept like a baby. woke up because stupid neighbors. ugh. oh well.
7:00-went to eat in cafeteria.. pasta was weird looking. decided to try it anyways.
7:30-back in the room realizing it is now crunch time as i have wasted the entire day. it looks calm outside.. but it sure is cold. longing for summer heat, shorts, and flipflops. get a kick out of my roomies webcam, hahaha.
8:00-decided "hey, maybe i should look at everyones blogs". watched people walk around outside, we have a sweet view from the 11th floor. had a gathering of the minds in the hallway (sarcasm).
8:28-finished this, going to start some homework, lucky me.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Earliest Memory
My earlier childhood memory took place when I was less than a year old. Being so young the memory is pretty brief.. but I was at the daycare where I spent time during the day. I was laying on my back in the middle of one of the rooms on my favorite blanket. There were other daycare kids there but the ones I remember were Tori and Joe, who are kids that I actually grew up with. They were 2 and 4 years older than me. The only part of that day that I remember was the daycare had barely opened up and they were looking over the top of me as I was laying on the flooring, cooeing and doing whatever else people do to little babies.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
penny for your thoughts...
"How do I know what I think, until I see what I say"
I have been pondering this little quote trying to figure out the unread meaning behind it..
It makes sense if you think about it... I almost think it is trying to say that everyone has a voice that needs to be heard.. has their own opinions.. all different of course.
This quote can relate to Sexson's whole aspect of "blogging" because we all indeed see what not only we say, but what the rest of our class is saying.. I guess in its own way that gives us a few of what they are thinking through them expressing their thoughts in a blog..
I have been pondering this little quote trying to figure out the unread meaning behind it..
It makes sense if you think about it... I almost think it is trying to say that everyone has a voice that needs to be heard.. has their own opinions.. all different of course.
This quote can relate to Sexson's whole aspect of "blogging" because we all indeed see what not only we say, but what the rest of our class is saying.. I guess in its own way that gives us a few of what they are thinking through them expressing their thoughts in a blog..
Lady Gaga gives me nightmares, literally!
So I have been a major blog "slacker" so I am just going to catch up on ramble about everything.
Sexson told us to write about a "dream" .. and recently I had one that I know I will never forget.
Being a lover of music, it is simple to say that Lady Gaga rocks my socks. She has great music that you can dance around too and plays in your head all day. However; her crazy outfits keep you wondering and even scare me, personally.
So about two weeks ago I wake up in my bed thinking "OMG, DID I REALLY JUST DREAM THAT"... and it went a little something like this..
It was forwarded to the future a few years and I had a husband who was in a baseball league or something.. I was left at the house getting ready with a few of his buddies while he went to get ready for his game. We were just getting ready to leave for the game when a big black limo shows up..
I was immediately scare for some reason, and decided it would be a good idea to run to my basement.. I was looking out the window to see who was coming to my house and out of the limo stepped no other than Lady Gaga herself. For those of you who have seen her in the headlines and magazine covers for her crazy outfits.. she happened to be wearing that creepy red dress with the facemask cover on it, ya creepy right? So anyways, she walked up to my house doing the same scary dance she does in her Bad Romance music video.. this is when it turned to a nightmare.
My first instinct was now to hide because I knew something bad was going to happen. I was crouched by the heater in the laundry room and waited for her to find me. I heard her upstairs and she killed the two people I was with, friends of my husbands... I knew she was coming for me next. As I heard her and her crew coming closer and closer I panicked and didnt know what to do... they came through the door and she announced "its Gaga bitches".. (if you are actually reading this you are thinking I am absolutely crazy, lol)... I begged for my life and told her not to kill me... so she gave me an ultimatum. She was going to leave me alone at my houes for two hours, if I stayed and didn't try to run, she would let me leave freely, but if she came back and I had run away, she was going to find me and kill the rest of my family... then she left.
I ended up staying at the house and two hours later Gaga showed back up to my house suprised to see me there. As promised she let me leave and trust me, I left as quickly as possible. I went and watched my husbands game like nothing happened and on our way home it clicked that his two friends were dead in our house so I had to tell him about Lady Gaga. He was as confused and worried as I was.. but when we got back to the house we found a note from Gaga that said..
"Sorry for the events that took place this afternoon, I cleaned the house for you.. (then she listed off a bunch of stuff she did like sweeping, mopping, dusting, etc)" .. then signed it
Love, Gaga
.. the bodies were gone and the house was spotless.. This is when I woke up.
They say your dreams usually have a connection to your day or something.. the only connection I can make in this dream was watching a scary movie the night before and my love for Lady Gaga's music.. the rest lies in the imagination of dreamland!
Sexson told us to write about a "dream" .. and recently I had one that I know I will never forget.
Being a lover of music, it is simple to say that Lady Gaga rocks my socks. She has great music that you can dance around too and plays in your head all day. However; her crazy outfits keep you wondering and even scare me, personally.
So about two weeks ago I wake up in my bed thinking "OMG, DID I REALLY JUST DREAM THAT"... and it went a little something like this..
It was forwarded to the future a few years and I had a husband who was in a baseball league or something.. I was left at the house getting ready with a few of his buddies while he went to get ready for his game. We were just getting ready to leave for the game when a big black limo shows up..
I was immediately scare for some reason, and decided it would be a good idea to run to my basement.. I was looking out the window to see who was coming to my house and out of the limo stepped no other than Lady Gaga herself. For those of you who have seen her in the headlines and magazine covers for her crazy outfits.. she happened to be wearing that creepy red dress with the facemask cover on it, ya creepy right? So anyways, she walked up to my house doing the same scary dance she does in her Bad Romance music video.. this is when it turned to a nightmare.
My first instinct was now to hide because I knew something bad was going to happen. I was crouched by the heater in the laundry room and waited for her to find me. I heard her upstairs and she killed the two people I was with, friends of my husbands... I knew she was coming for me next. As I heard her and her crew coming closer and closer I panicked and didnt know what to do... they came through the door and she announced "its Gaga bitches".. (if you are actually reading this you are thinking I am absolutely crazy, lol)... I begged for my life and told her not to kill me... so she gave me an ultimatum. She was going to leave me alone at my houes for two hours, if I stayed and didn't try to run, she would let me leave freely, but if she came back and I had run away, she was going to find me and kill the rest of my family... then she left.
I ended up staying at the house and two hours later Gaga showed back up to my house suprised to see me there. As promised she let me leave and trust me, I left as quickly as possible. I went and watched my husbands game like nothing happened and on our way home it clicked that his two friends were dead in our house so I had to tell him about Lady Gaga. He was as confused and worried as I was.. but when we got back to the house we found a note from Gaga that said..
"Sorry for the events that took place this afternoon, I cleaned the house for you.. (then she listed off a bunch of stuff she did like sweeping, mopping, dusting, etc)" .. then signed it
Love, Gaga
.. the bodies were gone and the house was spotless.. This is when I woke up.
They say your dreams usually have a connection to your day or something.. the only connection I can make in this dream was watching a scary movie the night before and my love for Lady Gaga's music.. the rest lies in the imagination of dreamland!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
here we go!
So apparently I am creating this blog for Literature class. I now officially have my first post up and my blog is running...I think. Woohoo! :)
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