Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Throughout the Day

I'll be straight with you.. I didnt wake up at up 6AM.. I was much too tired and really dont feel that great...

8:12- wake up hear roomie snoring, loudly.

8:20-decide to get up ten minutes before the alarm. walk to bathroom and put in my contacts. i left them by the windowsill and if felt like i was putting ice in my eyeballs. took shower. dryed off. sweats today, i dont care i dont feel good. let hair dry on its own, man i really look like a bum. makeup, lotion, deodorant, perfume (which smells oh so amazing), ugg boots.

9:15-waiting for elevator, saw a really freaky wierdo kid brushing his teeth in the drinking found, barf. told him he was gross as i was walking onto the elevator, not sure if he heard or not.

9:16-elevator is making a sketchy noise, hope i dont freefall.

9:17-meet chelsea in lobby, walk to education psychology.

9:25-sit in class and wait for it to start. loud noises, mainly because it is a class of fourty girls.

9:30-class starts and some lady starts talking about studying abroad. sounds interesting, but wouldnt it be more fun to just go on vacation? her pants dont match her shirt, its bugging me. teacher finally starts talking, she is so smart. i really like her. i wonder if i will be as good as a teacher as she is.. hmm.

10:15-class is starting to drag, im dreaming of that bagel i am going to have for breakfast.. on second thought maybe i want an omelet.

10:42-thank god this if finally over now i can go eat and take a nap.

11:00-cafeteria is pretty peaceful, decided to go with an omelet. couldnt find the ketchup, grrr. i hate when i cant find ketchup.

11:20-ride up the sketchy elevator, wondering if i am ever going to get a refund check, man that'd be great. kid in elevator stinks.

11:30-lay on futon debating nap now/now later? decided to go with nap later. wrote a composition for music class, thought about how embarissing it is to carry that damn keyboard around campus. after i wrote the piece i realized i didn't do it in harmonic tone, great. have to redo a few parts.

12:00-texting my friend dage, she cracks me up. she is bored also back in our hometown. the neighbors are going off about something that happened in another class. i try to eavesdrop but it gets boring. the fan in our room cuts out the noise too, which comes in quite useful at night.

12:30-playing on the interent, nothing particularly fun. maybe i should play solitaire, or better yet.. start my homework so im not up all night.. but wheres the fun in that?

1:00-won seven games of solitaire in a row, sweet.

1:10-found out punxsutawney phil saw his shadow, what a jerk. im sick of winter.

1:15-back on the futon, laying waiting for math at 2.

1:20-decide i feel like crap, shouldn't have ate the omelet. i knew the bagel would have been better.

1:45-ride down the sketchy elevator once again and walk to math. i got to 200 counting my steps then got sidetracked people watching. i always watch people. they are so interesting. i think one girl was on the phone, pretending to be cool im not exactly sure. hahaha.

2:00-math starts, yippy.

2:10-notice gray hairs in professors beard, hmm i wonder how old he is?

2:30- okay im bored, lets go. maybe i should doodle... dum dum dum. everyone else looks bored too. there is atleast 4 people texting. one kid gets up to leave and the professor says "hey where ya going" AWKWARD.


3:00-walk back from math with friend kelsey. we are talking about how we are going to miss prom this year, sad. watch the ducks chase eachother.. i swear to god they have multiplied?

3:30-found myself on the futon once again, awesome.

4:00-roomie shows and is also thankful for her freedom for the day. i start to wonder if other kids feel as relieved as we do when we are done, god it is great.

5:00-i have been watching E! and Ellen for the past hour.. switching back and forth. serena williams broke some glass plates with a tennis serve, sawwweeeet. realized it is 5 and i have not done anthing productive, guess that means its naptime. on E! they talked about bed and worst dressed at the grammys. joan rivers has an odd shaped nose.

5:30-decided to stay up for 30 more mins because i wanted to see taylor swifts house on E!

6:54-woke up from a lovely nap. i was so cold at one point i thought my toes were going to fall off. got 4 blankets, sweats and a sweatshirt... slept like a baby. woke up because stupid neighbors. ugh. oh well.

7:00-went to eat in cafeteria.. pasta was weird looking. decided to try it anyways.

7:30-back in the room realizing it is now crunch time as i have wasted the entire day. it looks calm outside.. but it sure is cold. longing for summer heat, shorts, and flipflops. get a kick out of my roomies webcam, hahaha.

8:00-decided "hey, maybe i should look at everyones blogs". watched people walk around outside, we have a sweet view from the 11th floor. had a gathering of the minds in the hallway (sarcasm).

8:28-finished this, going to start some homework, lucky me.

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