Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dear Fire Alarm Puller: I HATE YOU...

Okay.. It is officially 5:10 AM right now.. you may wonder what exactly I am doing up..

WELL some wise guy decided it would be sweet to pull a 4:20 fire alarm at South Hedges.. this is the 3rd fire alarm we have had in the last 20 days.. and they keep getting later and later. The first one was around 1 AM, I was like.. oh this sucks but whatever.. the 2nd one was at 2:30 AM, by this one... I was not thrilled, and this one.. well I dont even need to say. OH, and did I fail to mention I live on the 11th floor?????? 11 flights of stairs really isn't that bad but when I have to do it at all hours of the morning it pisses me off. So, me and my roomate decided we might as well stay up since we have to be up in a very small amount of hours and we didn't go to bed until 3:30.. Professor, when you asked us to post a blog about a really bad day.. well it is only 5 hours into a April 20, and I am FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It will be a very long, long day for this girl...


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