Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Groups 1 & 4

Group 1
Man oh man.. people got CRAAAAAZZZZZY with this debate... I think the final argument was "Tim vs. World"... You brought up some good points but honestly, I really think that there can be boring books.. (no offence) and not boring people. Devin was saying that just because people don't like something doesnt mean they are boring. I couldn't agree more. If i dont like something, I am not going to READ a book about it.. Sometimes it can be an educational experience but because you read it doesnt mean that it will sink in.

Group 4
Loved your presentation. I thought maybe it would be a littler crazier considering Garrett was in this group but it turned out good. Heather being Prince was my favorite, soooo funny. And the kissing Garrett's hand.. did Anna get that on camera? Hehe..

Our group has to go Wednesday, I hate talking in front of people but im sure it will go good! :) It is so crazy to think that this class is winding down already.. I have so many blogs I need to post that I have just kept in a notebook.. So if your "live feed" list of blogs goes crazy with my stuff sometime this week it is because I am posting all my old blogs!

See everyone Wednesday! :)

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